[Warlock Challenge] - [Rose the Mild]

Latest update peak:

Hey everyone!

This challenge looks like a great chance to improve my character creation workflow

I will use this awesome drawing by Natalia as a main reference:

Her IG: https://www.instagram.com/nipunidraws/

Good luck everyone :slight_smile:


WIP 01 - Initial blockout

A basic proportions search.

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WIP 02 - Body major volumes

Feedback is welcomed of course :slight_smile:

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WIP 03 - More polishing

next will be lifting her arms into T-pose and blackout of clothes and equipment.

WIP 04 - Blocking the clothes

Raised her arms into T-pose and started to blockout the clothes.

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WIP 05 - finished major shapes and basic topology

Next step is secondary forms and UV unwrapping.

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WIP 06 - secondary forms part 1

Next is simulating the clothes in MD for some major forms.

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WIP 07 - secondary forms part 2

Next is finishing UV unwrapping for everything.

Nice job with the fur :+1:

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Thanks man! actually this is the part I’m the least happy with =/

hmm…like I said I like it, but I’m sure you can get more out of it with textures.

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WIP 08 - secondary forms are basically done

Next steps are lighting test, posing and texturing.

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WIP 09 - after some back and forth, uv and baking are pretty much done (probably not haha)

Got some lights on, now it’s time to give her some color :slight_smile:

WIP 10 - finally slapping some color into her =D

Gave her face some tertiary dits in order to break up the gloss:

Some more texturing are still ahead!


WIP 11 - coloring update

Next step will be posing her.


Wow! This is gorgeous. Well done on getting so much appeal into the character :slight_smile:

WIP 12 - The end

Thanks for stopping by :slight_smile:


IG: @itayogev