Horror Challenge 2023 - Final Submissions

My Final Submission

“Medieval Zombie” inspired on the concept of Derek Laufman

Render in Marmoset Toolbag 4

front,side and back renders

Wireframe shots and a texture overview

Work in progress images


Hello, I wont manage to finish the project unfortunately, I am super motivated but I just saw it too late. this is all for me :slight_smile: Good luck everyone, cool to see what you guys have been working on!

if you would like to follow me on artstation:


My final submission

My character is about a demonic possession , it was made in zbrush high and low poly . The textures were made in substance painter and the render was made in maya with the render engine arnold .

I hope you like it


This is my final output for the Challenge,
The Undead Knight. Hope you like it, I really learned a lot especially in unreal and participating was fun. See ya in the next challenge.


Some wireframe:

The Textures:

Here is some of my progress, I didn’t have much images from the early stages unfortunately.

here I was trying to fix the lighting


Final Submission - Ant Queen

Work in progress images


Red Banshee

A banshee thirsty for blood that hunts people down. As a last act of humiliation for the human race, she wears their skin, stitched together, as a trophy.

PS: Due to the fact that I cant upload my work (new accounts cant post more than one picture apparently), I will post jsut the final render in here and the rest can be found on my Artstation at this link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dKW9yA
I hope that this won`t be a problem. Thanks :smiley:


The Forsaken Priest, exiled and abanndoned. Now wandering the lands above.

Hello, in this submission, I’d like to present a creature inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft theme. It tells the tale of a once-human priest who devoted himself to Cthulhu, only to be exiled and dishonored.

The software I used:
Zbrush, Maya, Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag, and Photoshop for layouting.

Final render:

Front, back, and side views:


Textures (4096x4096):

Additional shots:

And now the Work in progress:
Not very fancy highpoly, my PC can’t handle too much poly counts. :joy:


Lastly, I will include my Marmoset Toolbag viewer. I’m sorry if the quality got reduced. Artstation has a size limit. :smiling_face_with_tear:
(P.S. I don’t know how to embed form Artstation, so I just inspect it, and copy the embed link.)

Thank you so much for checking my submission! It such a great blast to participate in this challage! I learned a lot and seen a lot of great artwork. Cheers to everyone involved! :grinning:


Hello everyone, this is my project for the challenge, I was inspired by several stories of serial killers, combining them with the terror that the characters gave in amusement parks in the 50s, along with cold and dark lighting, it took me to the idea to ask myself, what happens in the parks at night? … And this is the result. I hope you like it, for the project I used zbrush, substance, maya and ardonld. thank you.


Great work! :grin:

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Thank you! :smiley:

Amazing work!

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Thank you, I’m glad you like it :smiley:

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Self pity people are always resenting, blaming, and punishing themselves, and they imagine that the people around them judge them and evaluate them, and the mental images and negative thoughts in the unconscious mind of self pity people control them and they manage.

I’m Iman Pakzad.

I have this characteristic and in my opinion there is nothing more frightening than this.
And I decided to create a concept of this topic in my mind and depict it.

Made specifically for flippednormal Horror Challenge

I use zbrush ,blender , substance painter and marvelous designer
And I didn’t do anything in Photoshop

I hope you enhoy it.



“Red Demon Grimx - Gatekeeper of Hell” - Final render. It was a really fun challenge! Thanks Flipped Normals team and congratulation to all artists! Good luck!

Let’s connect? https://www.instagram.com/mars_arte/

Concept by me.


Angron The red angel


My entry - Mephisto.

Believe me or not I have learned A LOT working on this piece and I am somehow a little bit proud of it :slight_smile:

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So here is my final submission. “The Innsmouth citizen”. I’m really glad that I finished this project in time because I even wanted to give up for some time. This is my first “full character” and first-ever challenge. I am really stunned by the community project, the bar is really high tbh :smiley: I hope you like my take on the H. P. Lovecraft story. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to create some enviro but I think even without it this guy looks pretty cool.

Textures and UV



This is my take on the Wendigo. Once a great hunter, this creature turned to cannibalism and became a true monster. With his glowing red eyes, long yellow claws and teeth, he could chase his human prey down with ease.

I had a lot of fun with this challenge, and although I’m pretty happy with the result, I wish I had a little more time to make a proper scene for him to lurk in.
Here’s the final Image:

Front, Back and Side views:

I have a marmoset viewer file as well, but I wasn’t uploading to I put it on my artstation Instead: ArtStation - Wendigo FlippedNormals Horror Challenge, Caitlyn Calloway


WIP, Wireframe and Textures:

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This is my Entry for the Horror Challenge

Ressurected Soldier

Front Side and back view:



For the chainmail I used different noises on different UV maps because of the instanced chains so the textures can’t be exported.

Work in progress:

I really enjoyed working towards a final image and I’m really happy with where the experimenting has brought me. Thank you to FlippedNormals for hosting this challenge. Good luck and well done to all other contestants.