Captain Hook, Space Pirate!

Thank you :hugs: I am confident in my texturing ability. I want him to be amazing.

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I prefer 3D Coat for retopology. It’s almost finished!

I am also working on a new concept for the shoulder turret. At the end of it all, I felt that the scifi angle was pushed a little too hard; I need a bit more pirate on Mr. Hook. So I’m making a parrot out of his shoulder cannon :sunglasses:


Impressive work with the retopology cant wait to see the finished version :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

I’ve polished up his new shoulder turret. Back to retopo! He should be done today or tomorrow sometime, and it’s on to baking.

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wooow it developed so well !! I’m waiting to see the final version !!

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Thank you Vicky :hugs:

My progress so far!

Retopology is complete. It took an extra day, but I got it looking pristine! He weighs 53,676 triangles. I have plenty of room for hair, eyes, teeth, and any other extraneous additions to my final scene.

I will use Rizom for my UV’s and assemble the model in Blender. From there, I’ll bake in Marmoset.

Captain Hook comes out to four 2k materials and averages a texel density of 1000 pixels per meter (except for his face, which is 2k ppm). I plan to paint him at double that resolution and downsample the final result. I still have plenty of room for eyes, teeth and hair (and Tinkerbell, which I hope to have time to get to).

The bakes are nearly flawless, but there are some edge issues I’ll have to paint out around the clothing. Since I’m going to be using both Substance and Mari, I’ve prepared UDIMs for Mr. Hook. It’s time for some painting! My favorite part :heart:


I’ve managed to clean up the edges of his coat, and learned a little something new about baking on thin meshes as well. Good times. :face_with_monocle:


This is turning out awesome, very nicely done!

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Thank you :slight_smile: I don’t have a lot of time left, I need to hustle!

I wanted to use Texturesxyz for my work, but they don’t allow full ownership of the final product, even with a commercial license. You can’t openly sell or even give away models made with texturesxyz.

Therefore, I opted for Renderhub:
Their license is royalty free and unrestricted.
I like to own my assets, and my software, so that the final product is actually mine, and I can do what I want with it.

I started by finding an ideal candidate, and importing him into Blender. I subdivide the plane, and run it through Substance Alchemist to remove as much shadow information as I can.

From there, I shrinkwrap the plane to my character’s head using R3DS, and then project the channels onto my mesh using Marmoset.

From there, I clean up the texture using Mari, and do some final clone work in Subtance.

Ta-da! Hook’s got a face :slight_smile: And I imagine he wears a black wig, so I kept all the gray hairs.


Fun with alpha stamps! A few more days and he’ll be ready for some eyes and hair.


After some consideration, I don’t think I could meet the deadline for this contest without a lot of forced rushing. It’s stressful and I think I started out this contest a bit too lax. As the deadline approaches, I find myself enjoying the process less.

I think I’m going to relax and work on Mr. Hook on my own time, and forget about the deadline. There are a lot of things here I could do better if I put in the time.

Cheers and good luck to all of you!

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Hey, man. Don’t do it, keep up the good work. You’ve done a lot of work and it looks great. There is still time to distribute efforts and be in time on time. Don’t give up.

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Thank you! I will still finish him :sunglasses: But I will do it on my own terms.

To be honest, I have everything in the contest prizes already. I just thought it was a really fun topic. The motivation to compete for something isn’t so strong.

I will make Mr. Hook into a really awesome model. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll do it on my own time, in my own way. And now, I have time for Tinkerbell!

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Maybe you should finish the challenge as it is, and then continue? Your work really looks very cool!

In the final work, my vision is of Mr. Hook holding up a lantern with an evil grin with his sword drawn. Inside the lantern is Tinkerbell, nose pressed up against the glass.

That was my vision from the start. She has to be there so that the final art has something of a story, as per the request in the rules section. Give it a story, a purpose, a feeling. Otherwise, I’m just posing him and taking a picture. That to me is lame, and won’t hold a viewer’s eyes for very long.

I want my personal art to be great, never just ‘good enough, that’ll do’. If I don’t have time, It becomes work, a job with a deadline, and it’s not mine anymore.

one great thing that you have so far with this art piece is that at least when you finish it off in your own time you’ll have a kickass art piece for your portfolio!, cant wait to see the finished version whenever you get to it in your own time :slight_smile:

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Thanks! It’ll take longer than ten days, but it will be a nice piece when it’s finished.

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you can post on the 1st of may so that can give you 6 or 7 days if you keep going now. Hope you consider getting it done for the deadline I think you are in the top 3 of winning this contest