Hi, my name is Patrick Blankenzee, I am a Character artist from the Netherlands. My project is going to be a realistic warlock that can be used for movie and game cinematics. It’s going to be either a Demon or Tiefling, still undecided, the idea that he is the villain or end boss. So a demon in disguise.
First, update a little while later! As we are all coping with COVID stuff, it was really hard to transition from work-related stuff to fun projects like this!
But I got my motivation back and started sculpting. I made a very quick base mesh in making human, just sometimes helps me speed up my workflow. Then made it in what it is now, As for now it is still concept sculpting and not really finalized and I wanted to put it out there.
Not sure yet about the wrinkles and other areas in the face, it’s a base to start from.
My inspiration is to create a realistic character like the henchmen from Thanos from the Marvel movies. But then in a DND related scenario. This Tiefling is part fay part demon there for the demon-like features. He will be wearing awesome robes. I’ve made a quick sketch just to get me started and from there I will go back and forth. Sculpting drawing and adding features where needed.
The next update will follow soon!
Update! sculpted a bit more on the face and pushed it towards maya, to see if it works, also blocked out a bit of the clothing but nothing to major yet!
I’ve been working behind the scenes on a lot of stuff for the warlock! First, of series of updates, I’ll be typing!
First, block out. Here I’ve started to block out the rough clothing that I wanted and where I wanted everything to go, extending the concept as a whole.
After the blackout was at a stage I liked I was starting to create the rest of the body ready for marvelous Designer. When I’ve started on this process, I just dynameshed everything together and decimated it to be ready for marvelous.
Personally the body didn’t need more detail to make it work for Marvelous Designer
Update! As i’ve was done with the clothing blockout, i’ve uv’d it and the flattend it and exporterd it.
Then i’ve traced it in marvelous, simmed it and created the whole clothing!
Still rough and will add the pose next time.
After all the cloth was as good as I wanted to be lo- ress I started to make a pose for the final image, normally for production, I don’t use this method, but for stills its great, I’ll let marvelous sim it’s motion, of course, a lot gets broken and you need to fix a lot, but you can manipulate it to get an amazing result out of it.

Layed out the overal uv’s of the clothing out in to UDIM tiles and exported it for retopo. Wich is up next.
Still working on it, everything has been retopo’d except the pieces that are in Zbrush like the belt and the extra details.
Also starting to think more about the story and what I want to tell in this piece, He is an almighty warlock and he is about to summon his demon pet. As warlocks do. He is battling and in constraint with his foe. I also started to texturing the face and other parts just to get a vibe for the clothing and scene. Made a texture in Substance Alchemist
Having a long weekend to work on my character really paid off! Making big steps getting it toward final results and getting more of a well-rounded image! Still a lot needed to be done! but now at a point that i wanted to share it again. Also trying to decide which color scheme I will choose.
Don’t mind the face! its a temp face! Ty for reading! keep on crafting!
great work,belt is very detailed
Thanks man! still trying to find the balance! but it’s getting there!
The grind is reel ya’ll getting to a finish line! need to get some assets through! But Damn am getting more happy by the day!
Thinks are in the scene, Render a composition render as a test render. With tem spoke and a draw over just to get some stuff in the right spot! Found the Beautiful royalty free background, and Mashed some Megascans assets That are also free now a days in my scene.
Sculpted the base and textured it my self just to have that original element in there.
Maybe I’ve did a little time jump between my updates but just now fully focussing on getting it done.
(This model is really temp just to have fast render)
Also selected this as my color.
and finished the Warlock sacrifcial blade. Maybe changing the color of the ruby stone but overall really happy.
Deadline is getting closer and closer!!! finalized everything of my character in zbrush and now pushing it to maya!
also still playing with the face color.
Getting closer and closer, I got all my character textures in the scene. Need to fix a lot of stuff still but manageable! Here is a render and my ugly handwriting feedback!
Final Submission!
As the deadline is here! The warlock challenge is done!
I’ve started this challenge with an idea I had my self. Once the challenge was open I started drawing and from that drawing/ concept, I started to sculpt. Normally I would look for a cool concept on the internet but I wanted to challenge my self in the challenge(pun intended). As The Quarantine and work started to stack up it was hard and there were some really late nights. But Loved every moment of it!
As i type my final submission in the blog you can follow the progress of my work! Here are the final result images. They we’re Rendered in Maya Arnold, Composited in Resolve/fusion, and final logo and image combination was done in Photoshop. The whole project was done with Zbrush, Substance Painter, Maya, Marvelous Designer, and Substance Alchemist for the clothing patterns( witch i made my self.).