Horror Challenge 2023 - Drolta

Hello everyone! I’m excited to participate in this challenge. I look forward to some positive & helpful feedback from this community on my take on this challenge. Thanks to FlippedNormals for sponsoring this event. I will to post some concept drawings reference pictures soon. Thanks. :v:t6:

So after watching castlevainia i changed my mind and decided to make Drolta from the series because the character looks very interesting, and i wont lie i have wanted to make a winged character for a while now :smile:


Todays progress, facial expression sculpt


Just finished the skin detail, moving on to the outfit…would love to get feedback on this, feel free to comment. Thank you. :grin:


Texture process…


I decided to give my character a little emissive touch apart from the emissive flame from the character reference… Unto posing now hope it this comes out the way i hope :crossed_fingers:t6:

texture progress 14 gif_3_1_1

Quick pose and arnold render test… now am gonna focus on the flames


So just finished simulating the flame in bifrost but its killing my render time, this is my first time using bifrost still need to work on the flame shader a little bit. Hope am able to meet up with the deadline :sweat_smile:

oh and for the floor still gonna texture it real quick just to give it nice composition contrast.


Hi guys,
So i ran into a small problem while rendering my final image… I decided to pick this character because i wanted to use this project to learn a thing or two about bifrost in maya which was a fun learning curve for me but only for me to find out later that GPU rendering in arnold does not support volume material’s so i had to use my CPU to render for the first time this year :face_exhaling: and this took forever to render… Unfortunately i can’t render my shots in high resolution either due to the deadline, I could only render a few shots in with the flames.
I hope you like it and wish everyone best of luck.


I had the same issue, to remedy that i make a animation in which each frame is a camera angle, then i set the number of the frames to render, in the render options, and do a render sequence that keep rendering all night long. Maybe this can help you!

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Yeah i did the render sequence for the shots but some reason after it renders like 3 or 4 frame it removes the flame volume material and renders the rest without the flames :man_shrugging:t6:

for example

it removed the the flame material and just rendered the base mesh underneth it

That sucks, sadly i don’t know nothing of bifrost.
Anyway great work!!

Yeah i know…
Thanks for the comment though :+1:t6:

If you haven’t already done it, remember to post your result in the final submissions thread today so your work can be considered for one of the prizes :slight_smile: Only a few hours left to go now! Countdown Timer – Countdown to Nov 23, 2023 in London, England

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I submitted a couple of day’s ago. Thank you.
This was a fun contest :grin: